Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Most Important Message

 I have to really wonder about this world we live in.

 I heard through the news that 2 billion people were estimated in watching the Royal Wedding.  2 BILLION?   Let me just say we are not part of that number because I honestly could care less about it.  There are many more important issues in this world to think about and there are my kids who I would rather pay attention to than a Royal Wedding.   I wish them many years of happiness but I do not see what all the hype is about.  It just seems that 2 BILLION ....well.....I will continue.

Then there are Super Bowls, World Series and other big hype sports events, and let's not forget politics  Again, I do not participate in watching them because I do not give a flying hoot.   I don't even know which title goes with each game.  My husband may care, but even so not very much. 

From what I have seen more people care what is going on in sports and on TV than attend church every Sunday morning.   I personally find that extremely worrisome and don;t understand.   I guess we are the ones who are different.  Our lives are centered around what we find important, Jesus and what He did for us, in reading the Word and loving one another.  

Even our Pastor, Patrick Payton, said in this city of ,100,000 people, 75,000 don't attend church and out of that number most have not heard the message or read a bible.   
I am proud to say I am in the minority of this world.  I may not be perfect, I sin but I am saved by HIS grace.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Having to trust in God

Is it me or is this hard, having to trust in Him, lean on Him and know He wants and will provide what is best for us?  We have not had regular income since September and now Shawn is working as an independent contractor for Schlumberger through Louisiana Transport.   It's been almost 2 weeks and the company ows him almost $3.000 that we have not seen a penny of.   We have all of $400 left.  How long is that going to last?  The hold up?  Nobody really knows.   Everyone is placing the blame and nobody has any answers yet he keeps working.  I have gotten sick twice already due to the stress and all my husband can say is PRAY.   How is he so calm about all this?   I am a Christian, I place all my Faith in the Lord but when it comes to finances I FAIL every single time.  I don't trust HIM.   I want to!   I really do, I just can not let go of it.

How do you hand things over to our King? Our Savior? Our Father? 

Am I the only one who can't do it for whatever reason?

Blog Round 2

Here I am again trying this blogging thing.  We started last year and got into it about a month before Shawn had his accident that left him on disability for 6 months and as an ever constant extra person to take care of  my heart just wasn't into blogging our daily home school activities. 

Tomorrow, April 28, is our last day of this school year.  Hannah will be entering 2nd grade next year and Christopher will be entering 3rd.  This year has been wonderful and for our first year home schooling went better than expected.   Kids, and I, have learned so much and I truly enjoyed learning American History all over again.  We loved all our projects, our lessons and even math was successful for both kids.  Hannah had me a bit worried more than once but all I could do was pray she would "get" it and sure enough she has pulled through.   Amazingly that girl can be lost on every single lesson and still ace her tests.  She's just different.  

My Fathers World, was a big hit this year and we look forward to returning to it maybe in another year.   The next level of MFW, Exploring Countries and Cultures seemed a little advanced for Hannah so for this next year we ordered Sonlight. , where we will be starting with Introduction to World History.  We already have received our books for the next year and they look exceptional.   Mom already started reading them in order to be prepared for our lessons starting in August.   We are doing Cores B and C, Hannah will continue on to Sazon Math 3 and Christopher is going into Teaching Textbooks 5.

Sonlight is more literature based than MFW was and as much as the kids love to read I think it will be a blessing to us.

More to come tomorrow as we start our last day of school with a breakfast at IHOP.